NVUU patio flowers

Board Buzz

The NVUU Board has been very busy this summer.
We are very pleased to announce that we have voted to extend Susan Panttaja’s contract which was originally set to end on August 15, to the end of the church year, June 2023.
Projects we are working on include:
  • Short term and long range financial planning to ensure our sustainability into the future.
  • Restructuring our committees to make the most of our volunteers and better reflect our priorities.
  • Brainstorming sessions on how to increase our membership and our rental income.
  • Website revamping
If anyone is interested in working on any of these projects, please contact Linda.
Our Board Retreat is coming up on August 19 in which we will be planning on what we want to accomplish in the coming year.
We are planning to have two Congregational meetings in the Fall:
  • One in September to Vote on Bonnie Dlott becoming our Minister Emerita and to approve a Bylaws revision and needed building improvements for our building.
  • A Second one in November to Vote on whether to adopt the 8th Principle and to display the Black Lives Matter Flag/Banner.

The Board chose Lenore Hirsch as our member to thank for the month of July, for chairing our membership committee through the epidemic, helping the Worship and Personnel committees and being our wise council.