January 6, 2023
Happy New Year NVUU RE Families!
Brad and I will return to NVUU this Sunday. Our older class will dive deeper into our conversation about Christianity, its symbolism, and common misconceptions about both.
The Quails class (the youngers) will be starting on January’s theme of “Finding Our Center”. We will focus on UU Principles, and we will discuss the possibility of the UUA adding an eighth principle. We will listen to a story together, and we’ll talk about the values that matter most to us. (We’ll do some coloring as well.)
Hope you all had some wonderful holidays and I’m looking forward to seeing you again!
December 23, 2022
Happy Holidays, NVUU Families-
On Saturday, in the late afternoon of Christmas Eve, NVUU will host a family-friendly Christmas Eve service from 4-5pm. There will be no child care or RE offered during this service, as children are expected to enjoy the service with their parents.
This Sunday morning is Christmas, so NVUU will not be having RE classes, child care, or a regular service. The church will be hosting an Open House at 11am on Christmas Day for people to stop in for fellowship, conversation and refreshments.
I hope you all have a magical holiday.
Yours in Faith,
December 16, 2022
Good morning NVUU Families!
This Sunday is a big day for NVUU RE! First, we will have our intergenerational no-rehearsal Christmas pageant during the service. If you haven’t already, please let me know if your child has a particular character in mind and you can come get the costume before the service starts.
After church, all NVUU kids and their families are invited to visit Jameson Humane at 1pm, to deliver the goods we’ve gathered as part of our holiday community project. We recommend that you wear closed-toe shoes and rainwear if needed for this visit. I am so excited that we get to visit this amazing place again!
Just in case you still need to get something for the animals, see the wish list above. You can also give a check in any amount made out to “Jameson Humane”.
This Sunday is our last RE Sunday for a couple of weeks, as Brad and I will be on furlough until January 8th. There are several events happening in our absence. On Wednesday, December 21, in the winter solstice celebration at NVUU. There will be a family-friendly Christmas Eve service on December 24th. On Christmas day, NVUU will be hosting an open house instead of a traditional service, and on New Year’s Day child care will be available or older kids may choose to stay in the “Milestones” service. Brad and I will return for RE classes on Sunday, January 8th.
I hope that you all have a beautiful and restful holiday break!
See you Sunday!
December 9, 2022
This Sunday, our middle school class will continue our exploration of Christianity, focusing on the symbolism of Christianity and the ideas of sin and salvation.
Our younger class will continue our theme of Wonder this month, celebrating the wonder of birth. We’ll read “On the Night You Were Born”, and we’ll discuss the story of Christmas. Our craft will be to make wands of wonder, as we didn’t have time to do that last week.
Also, a reminder regarding our supply drive for Jameson Humane. The deadline is next Sunday, December 18th, when we will be delivering everything we’ve gathered after the service. There is also a box by the RE bulletin board at the church where you can put items you’ve gathered. Their wishlist is at the top of this page.
Yours in faith,
December 2, 2022
Greetings NVUU Families-
This Sunday we will have our regular RE classes, followed by our RE meeting (combined for November and December) at 12:15pm. RE meeting agenda items are below.
Our middle school class will delve deeper into the unit we started last week on Christianity. Here’s an idea to consider and maybe discuss with your youth beforehand: A core Christian belief is God loves and accepts all of humanity. This is an opportunity for you to talk with your youth about the Universalist side of our faith. Our Universalist forebearers were Christians that understood God as a parent who loved all of humanity so much that God would not damn anyone to hell. This affirming view led to the belief that all people and all religions are of worth. Our UU idea of “inherent worth” came from this. It was something we brought with us from our Christian origins. So you can help your youth understand that UUism didn’t reject Christianity as much as it grew out of its most generous and loving view of God. Christianity is our close cousin who gave us a great gift.
Our elementary school class is starting their theme for December, which is Wonder. This week, we focus on finding wonder in ordinary objects, learning to notice what we often take for granted. Our craft is to create magic wands of notice, to point at things we want to see with new eyes.
Happy Holidays!
RE Council Agenda Items for December 4, 2022
- Classroom updates
- Planning Middle School Visits
- Jameson Animal Rescue Ranch Holiday Project
- Christmas Pageant
- Upcoming NVUU events- 12/24 Christmas Eve Service,12/21 Winter Solstice, New Year’s Day Service (1/1)
- District events- YRUUP con in February, Marin offering OWL for Sr. Highers and K-1
November 23, 2022
Greetings NVUU Families-
Happy Thanksgiving! This Sunday will be an exciting first for NVUU — our very first visit from a pig! Obi the pig from Jameson Animal Rescue Ranch will be coming to church, near the end of service, and available to meet church members and spread the word about our Holiday Project. Obi is a therapy pig, used to being around people, and his handler Mackenzie will be with him as well as we visit with him in the backyard of NVUU.
We will have a combined RE class today as we talk to the kids about our upcoming no-rehearsal Christmas Pageant (coming up on December 18th), the story it portrays, and introduce them to the creche we recently obtained. The kids will start figuring out which characters they would like to be. Traditionally, the kids have first pick, and then we recruit adults from the congregation to fill in the rest. If you are not able to attend the pageant on December 18th or if you will not be at church this Sunday but your child has strong feelings about who they would like to be in the pageant, please let me know as soon as possible.
This Sunday will also be a great start to the next unit for our middle school class, where we will learn about Christianity. This unit will continue through December and into January, and then we will start examining Catholicism and the differences between the two.
See you Sunday!
November 18, 2022
Greetings NVUU Families-
This is the second Sunday of our first RE furlough this year. Brad and I will return on Sunday, November 27th. In the meantime, your children are welcome to enjoy time in the playroom and playground during the service with our wonderful childcare staff.
As this is the third Sunday of the month, we would normally have our RE Council meeting, but the Council decided to combine the meetings for November and December into one meeting on Sunday, December 3, following the service. Hope to see you there!
I hope that you all have a beautiful Thanksgiving, and I’ll see you next Sunday (when our friend Obi the pig from Jameson Animal Rescue Ranch comes to visit!).
Yours in Faith,
November 11, 2022
Greetings NVUU Families-
As you know, this Sunday marks the first of one of our RE furloughs this year. Brad and I will return on Sunday, November 27th. In the meantime, Pastor Susan has a beautiful “Time for All Ages” story planned and then the kids can go back and enjoy time in the playroom and playground during the service with our wonderful childcare staff.
We had a lovely visit at Congregation Beth Shalom last weekend. If you weren’t able to make it, here’s a virtual visit to a different synagogue that might be useful to view with your child.
Four of our older youth will be attending a YRUUP conference at UU Davis this weekend. I hope that all of you have a great weekend as well, and we look forward to seeing you when we return!
November 4, 2022
Greetings NVUU Families!
This Sunday is an exciting day for our RE families. Our older class will start the morning off at Congregation Beth Shalom, and will be arriving at NVUU toward the end of the service – please see below.
Our younger class will have RE as normal, launching into November’s theme of Change. This week, our topic relates to growing and changing as we go through life. We’ll read a story together about the challenges of changes to routines we are comfortable with. Then we’ll discuss and draw animals that undergo major changes during the course of their lives (butterflies).
After church, ALL AGES of kids are invited to visit Jameson Animal Rescue Ranch at 1pm, as part of our holiday community project. We will get to pet the animals, learn how the ranch operates, and come up with ideas. Parents are invited to bring their children to JARR and visit the animals with us. The Ranch is located at 1199 Cuttings Wharf Road in southwest Napa. They will be giving us animal treats and goodies to pass out! We recommend that you wear closed-toe shoes and rainwear if needed for this visit. I am so excited that we get to do this fun & special event together!
This Sunday is our last RE Sunday for a couple of weeks, as Brad and I will be on furlough through Thanksgiving. Child care will still be available at NVUU on Sunday mornings. We will be back on Sunday, November 27th.
See you Sunday!
* * *
Greetings to the families of our NVUU Middle and High Schoolers!
This Sunday, November 6, is our first visit to another faith community as part of our “Neighboring Faiths” curriculum. We’re so grateful that Congregation Beth Shalom is opening their doors to us on Sunday morning as part of our exploration of Judaism. Please deliver your kids to Congregation Beth Shalom (1455 Elm Street) at 10:20am. You may park in their parking lot, and you’ll be free to leave to attend NVUU by 10:30am (although you are welcome to stay with us if you would prefer). Our kids will attend their children’s prayer service, have snack with the group (likely challah and grape juice), get a tour of the building and be able to ask any questions they have. When we are done with our visit, I will bring the kids back to NVUU (no later than noon).
November 6 is also the day that all the NVUU kids are invited to come visit Jameson Animal Rescue Ranch after Sunday services. I’ve let Congregation Beth Shalom know and they said there is no problem if we come to our visit with them dressed for our afternoon visit at JARR, in jeans and such.
Here is the permission slip for the activity. Please return it to me via email or be sure to have your child bring it on Sunday morning.
Please let me know as soon as possible if your child will be able to join us or not. If your child has not been able to attend Sunday morning RE very much this year, they are still more than welcome to join us. You may want to watch this video with them beforehand so they have some background on Judaism before the visit.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
See you Sunday!
The Eight Practices of Welcoming Difference
1. Be fully present
2. Be curious
3. Be open to being changed
4. Be comfortable with discomfort
5. Be an appreciative listener
6. Be light-hearted
7. Be gentle (allow and heal mistakes)
8. Be yourself
October 28, 2022
Greetings NVUU Families!
This Sunday is the day before Halloween! Our younger class (the Quails) will continue with the month’s theme of courage. We will read together a story about Halloween and how aspects of Halloween can be scary. We will also make paper jack-o-lanterns with orange and black construction paper. We’ll talk about what we like about Halloween, and what scares us, and what we can do to feel better when we get scared.
Our older class will be preparing for next week’s visit to Congregation Beth Shalom. We will continue to learn more about Judaism and what to expect next week, and compare the Jewish tradition of Bar and Bat Mitzvahs to the UU tradition of Coming of Age.
A reminder that next week, after church, is our visit to Jameson Animal Rescue Ranch after the service (at 1pm). All youth and their families are encouraged to come to meet and get to know the animals we’ll be assisting through our holiday project.
I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend, and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
October 21, 2022
Hi Everyone,
This Sunday, our younger Quails class will continue working with the month’s theme of courage, focusing on facing challenges and doing things that are hard for us. We’ll read a story together and play a game. Maybe we’ll find a roly-poly bug to take turns holding!
Our older Puffins class will continue to learn about Judaism, focusing this week on the connections between Judaism and Unitarian Universalism. Both UUism and Judaism encourage us to take self-examination and self-improvement seriously. We will learn about the holiday of Rosh Hashanah and its “wake up” horn (the shofar) for Judaism, and our 3rd UU principle (“to affirm and promote acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth.”) to explain the connection to UUism, as we start to prepare for our upcoming visit. Which brings us to…
Please mark your calendar for a big day in two weeks! On November 6, our older class will be visiting Congregation Beth Shalom on Sunday morning as part of our exploration of Judaism. We will meet there at 10:20am, and then the kids will attend their children’s prayer service, have snack with the group (Challah and grape juice), get a tour of the building and be able to ask any questions they have. Parents of our middle and high schoolers should plan on delivering their kids to Congregation Beth Shalom (1455 Elm Street) at 10:20am, and then they will be free to leave to attend NVUU by 10:30am (although I would welcome one other adult to stay with me and the group). When we are done with our visit, I will bring the kids back to NVUU (no later than noon).
November 6 is also the day that ALL AGES of kids are invited to come visit Jameson Animal Rescue Ranch after Sunday services, at 1pm, as part of our Parents are invited to bring their children to JARR and visit the animals with us. Please let me know if you’re not available to attend this visit but would still like for your child to participate.
More details will follow on both of these events. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns in the meantime.
I hope that you all have a beautiful weekend!
Yours in Faith,
October 14, 2022
Greetings NVUU Families!
This Sunday, we will have some exciting and fun updates to share with you in our RE meeting, following the service. I’ve pasted the agenda for this meeting at the bottom of this email. Hope to see you there!
Our younger class’s theme of the month is courage. We will spend Sunday morning focusing on the courage to be our true selves. We’ll listen to a story by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and then we’ll make vests for ourselves and badges for each other celebrating various aspects of who we are and what we like.
Our older class will begin our exploration of Judaism, inquiring what the kids already know, and starting to learn some of the history, culture and beliefs of the Jewish community.
Parents of our Puffins (older kids): Here are some resources for you to check out to familiarize yourself with Judaism, in case you are interested and also in case your kids bring home questions for you:
- A core experience of the Jewish people is the experience of exile – being pushed out of your home and longing to return. Help your youth see the connection between this central Jewish theme and their own lives. Chat with them about how teenage years can feel like “exile” i.e. like you don’t quite feel “at home” in your body, social relationships or the sense of who you are. Be sure to share your own teenage experience of that. And most importantly share with them how you found ways to deal with that and ask them what ways are helping them.
- Consider watching Fiddler on the Roof or Life is Beautiful (PG-13). Have some fun and watch Keeping Up with the Steins. As always, review our movie suggestions to make sure you are comfortable with their content.
- Buy challah to eat
- Consider making some other Jewish foods. Here are some general recipes. Or better yet, ask your Jewish friends to come over and cook some of their favorite recipes with you.
- Spend some time deepening your own understanding of Judaism:
- Introduction to Judaism | Belief | Oprah Winfrey Network
- Spend just a few minutes with this video to get a basic understanding of the various Jewish movements: Reform, Conservative and Orthodox
- Watch two rabbis talk about their faith: Interview 1 and Interview 2
- View Stephen Prothero’s video on Judaism
- Listen to some Jewish Music:
- “Let There Be Love” by Noah Aronson This has both English and Hebrew lyrics. It is based on an evening prayer (Hashkiveinu) from the standard siddur;
- Nefesh Mountain is a Jewish husband-wife bluegrass duo. Here they sing their setting of “Esai Enai” (Psalm 121:1-2), lyrics in both Hebrew and English.
I hope that you all have a beautiful weekend.
Yours in Faith,
RE Committee Agenda for 10/13/2022
1. Classroom Updates
2. Visiting Congregation Beth Shalom options
3. Day of the week to visit Grace Cathedral
4. Updates on North Bay youth group activities
5. Holiday Project with Jameson Animal Rescue Ranch
6. Revised Schedule for November and December RE meetings.
October 7, 2022
Greetings NVUU Families!
This Sunday, our Puffins class (the older kids) is planning on contiuing our deep dive into Unitarian Universalism, exploring our UU history, principles, and well-known elders. Next week, we plan on moving on to an exploration of Judaism.
Our younger kids (the Quails!) will explore the theme of Courage. We’ll discuss different forms that courage can take and read a story together about courageous people who stand up for the rights of others. Then we’ll play a game in which players choose between staying safe and helping others. Finally, we’ll make badges for each other, honoring times we have shown courage in ways large or small.
Tomorrow, 10/8, is our field trip with UU Santa Rosa and UU Marin to the Petaluma Pumpkin Patch for our middle and high schoolers. If your child would like to attend, and you haven’t already let me know, please do so as soon as possible.
I hope that you all have a beautiful weekend.
September 30, 2022
Happy last day of September!
I hope that you’re all enjoying these early days of Autumn. This weekend, our older class (the Puffins) will dive deeper into Unitarian Universalism, talking specifically about our Principles and Sources, and learning about UU History.
In our younger class (the Quails!), our focus will be on belonging with the natural world. This relates to UU Principle #7, the interdependent web of existence. We’ll read a story together, and then our activity will be outdoors, as we examine the natural world one square foot at a time. If time permits, we’ll create a symbolic web from yarn.
A reminder that all of our middle schoolers and high schoolers are invited to join youth from UU Santa Rosa in a trip to the Petaluma Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze next Saturday, 10/8, from 10am to 1pm. Please let me know if your child is interested in attending. https://petalumapumpkinpatch.com/
Hope that you all have a beautiful weekend!
Yours in Faith,
September 23, 2022
Greetings NVUU Families!
This Sunday, we will have our September RE meeting in the Clara Barton room following the service. Our agenda items are below.
The Quails (younger) RE class this Sunday will continue to explore the month’s theme of Belonging, and this week our topic is Belonging with Ourselves. We will listen to a story about a girl who learns to like her unusual name; we will do an activity in which we discover traits we have in common, as well as traits which are unique to us; and we will make silhouettes of our hands (and our names) as self-portraits.
Our Puffins (middle and high school) RE Class will be exploring our first world religion- Unitarian Universalism, exploring our own church and how we present ourselves as a practice for how we will be learning about other religions in the months ahead. We’ll be exploring our church as it might appear to someone who is new to our congregation- looking at our website, checking out the bumper stickers in the parking lot, and doing a little scavenger hunt around the church campus to notice details we may not have picked up on before!
I’m looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!
Yours in Faith,
AGENDA for RE Cmte Meeting on 9/25/22
1. Classroom updates
2. Middle school curriculum logistics (visiting other churches, etc.)
3. Youth group pumpkin patch field trip
4. First Aid and CPR course, Mandatory reporter training
5. K/1 OWL- maybe in Spring?
6. Any interest in a parents’ night out or parents support group or round robin group?
7. Holiday Social Justice or Charitable project
September 16, 2022
Greetings NVUU Families!
September 9, 2022
Greetings NVUU Families-
This Sunday will be NVUU’s water communion. The kids will begin in the sanctuary with the rest of the congregation and will have an opportunity to contribute water they have brought if they would like to do so. Then, after we are sung off to our RE classes, the sixth graders and older kids will come with me to the Starr King room for our class, and the younger kids will go with Brad to the Clara Barton room.
The younger kids (the Quails!) will be exploring the concepts behind water communion and why it is a part of our UU tradition. Our theme this month is Belonging. In this lesson, we reflect on belonging to a community. In a water communion service, each person or family representative brings to the service a small amount of water from a place that is nourishing to them. The combined water is symbolic of our shared faith coming from many different sources. The class will also learn about water protectors and other world traditions involving water.
The older class (the Puffins!) will be introduced to their curriculum for the year- Crossing Paths. Crossing Paths joins the long line of middle school, visit-based UU curriculum going back 70 years. Church Across the Street was published by the UUA in 1947. More recently, we’ve seen Neighboring Faiths (1997) and Building Bridges (Tapestry of Faith). We will primarily use this new Soul Matters version, “Crossing Paths,” but will occasionally draw ideas and lessons from the previous curriculums when appropriate. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions or would like more information.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
September 2, 2022
Greetings NVUU Families!
Just a reminder that there will be no RE classes this weekend due to the Labor Day holiday. Child care will be available. When we return on September 11, we will have the gathering of the waters ceremony with the congregation, and then divide into two RE classes based on age, with our older kids going with Ginger to the Starr King room and the younger kids going with Brad to the Clara Barton room for class. We’re looking forward to this return to normalcy after the last couple of years!
Hope that you all have a lovely weekend,
August 26, 2022
Good morning NVUU Families!
A reminder that there will be no RE class next Sunday as we take a break for Labor Day weekend. Child care will still be provided for any kids that attend. Hope that you all enjoy the long weekend!
On the weekend of November 14-15, 2020, there was a magical gathering! Children’s RE got the chance to have their stuffies come together at the church for some fun activities. Check it out! Contact Ginger for more information.
Part 1) 10:00 AM Check In
We started our time together in the Starr King room, introducing ourselves to each other and checking in. We talked about the election last week and our feelings about that. We looked at the YRUU principles tree on the wall. It’s a new poster, and it outlines our 7 principles.
Part 2) 11:00 AM Lighting the Chalice and Selecting Our Materials
We went through a songbook and picked out some of our favorite readings and songs to share this weekend. (We mostly like the ones about animals & nature!) We lit a little chalice (that uses a battery flame instead of real fire- safer for us stuffies and kids too!). Dolores Van Hoofen read the chalice lighting, number 483, to us. Chewie helped hold the page open. The chalice lighting was written by Wendell Berry. It says, in part, “I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and I am free.”
Part 3) 12:00 PM Reading time in the Sanctuary with Reverend Leisa!
Then we went to have story time on yoga mats in front of the sanctuary, just like we used to do for story hour during church time! Rev Leisa joined us via Zoom to read us a story. She read “A Weekend with Wendell” by Kevin Henkes. It’s about a weekend visit between friends, just like we’re doing!
Part 4) 1:00 PM Snack Time!
We were super excited about this part, because our humans had told us about the yummy food they often shared at church! We had Girl Scout cookies for those allowed to eat sugar & chocolate, and pineapple for the others. (We decided that chocolate was a vegetable, since it is a bean that grows on a tree.) There was paw sanitizer (also useful for fins and hooves). Most wanted hot chocolate, but we knew that chocolate is bad for dogs, so Chewie had tea instead. Teddy only eats healthy snacks, so he had a bowl of pineapple all to himself and tea too. We all waited until everyone had hot chocolate or tea before we started to drink, just to be polite, then Ralph and Hummingbird dove into their hot chocolate! We ate a LOT of snacks, then sat around and talked.
Part 5) 2:00 PM Books & Puzzles in the Clara Barton room
Then it was time to relax and work together to do the “Our World” puzzle in the Clara Barton room. Some of us colored some coloring sheets as well. A few animals chose to read on the couch. Susan B. Anthony chose to educate herself with “Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History.” Fireworks read “Yo Soy Muslim”. Pooh, Dolores & Eagle enjoyed “Zen Shorts” together.
Part 6) 3:00 PM Wagon Tour!
Wagon tour of NVUU. We lined up to get in the wagon and take a tour of whole church campus. We were so excited to get to explore, we even made this little video when we were lined up to get in the wagon! We took a tour of the whole church campus and took a group picture in our wagon in front of the NVUU sign!
Part 7) 4:00 PM Playground
It had rained last night, so the play structure was pretty wet and dirty. We still managed to have fun on it by putting out a blanket, and being careful to stay clean! Ralph and Jay climbed the rope ladder. Pooh, Chewie & Quail shared the tire swing. Dolores changed into her sunglasses and enjoyed the sunshine! Boogaloo was at the front of a long line for the slide. Firework scaled the climbing wall.
Part 8) 5:00 PM Political geography lesson and exploring the RE storage closet
Susan B. Anthony and Eagle wanted to be sure we all knew how to find Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada and North Carolina on the map. Jay led a bunch of the smaller stuffies into the storage room, where they made a photocopy of themselves!. Other stuffies followed and tried on some of the costumes for the Christmas Pageants they’ve heard so much about. Boogaloo dressed as a shepherd, and Jakie and Firework were angels. Dolores wrapped herself in Mary’s headpiece, Teddy dressed as a pig, and Quail put on the headpiece of Caesar Augustus. Pooh dressed as a cow, and OWL wore Herod’s crown.
Part 9) 6:00 PM Dinner time!
Then it was time to cook dinner. Everyone helped to cook, and to clean up. The food was really yummy. There was something for carnivores, vegetarians, vegans, and omnivores. The vegans enjoyed Japanese noodles and baby carrots. After dinner, Pooh and Eagle helped sort the compost, trash, and recycling.
Part 10) 7:00 PM Time to get ready for bed
After we washed the dishes, it was time to wash our faces and brush our teeth. Hummingbird and Quail could not figure out what the scoopy little table that came down from the bathroom wall was for! We spread out to the four different church restrooms and chatted while we got ready for bed together. It was a great chance to get to know our new friends.
Part 11) 8:00 PM Bedtime!
Some of the stuffies’ humans said they had to go to bed right at 8 p.m., so we voted that we would all go to bed at 8 so nobody feels left out. (Plus, it’s been a busy day and we’re exhausted!) We all lined up on the couch in the Clara Barton room and slept under some cozy red blankets. Jakie put her sleep mask on for the night. OWL is nocturnal and stays up all night, so we agreed he could stay up and sing us a lullaby to help us go to sleep. See you in the morning!
Step 12) 9:00 AM Playroom
After we woke up and had breakfast, we went to the Playroom and had a blast playing with all the toys and trying on the play clothes and tutus! So fun!
Part 13) 10:00 AM Religious Education Class
We piled back on the couch and were able to join Ginger & Brad on our class zoom call and lesson. We’re learning about how to serve others, honoring our second UU principle- “Justice, equity and compassion human relations.” But sometimes when we try to help and heal others (a big part of what we do as stuffies!), we assume we know exactly what they need, but we’re wrong! Today we’re learning about *listening* before we try to help and heal others.
Part 14) 11:00 AM Goodie Bags
We went back in the Starr King room and packed up goodie bag presents to give our humans when they pick us up. Everybody took a part of the job and we all worked together. We’re getting excited to see our people again!
Part 15) 12:00 PM Piano Sing Along
We celebrated Sunday morning with a sing-along! The fancy piano in the sanctuary was covered for NVUU’s hiatus, so we used the smaller piano in the Starr King room. Hummingbird, Ralph and Jay were able to jump around the keys to play music for us, and Firework the Rainbow Dolphin used his fins to conduct us. We found a song about animals in the hymnal- #175, “We Celebrate the Web of Life”. Quail got very excited about the line that says, “A fragment of the perfect whole in cactus and in *quail*, as much in tiny barnacle as in the great blue whale.”
Part 16) 1:00 PM Pick Up
We are all packed up and ready to be picked up by our humans! We have goodie bags for all of them. We had so much fun getting to know each other and learning what we do at NVUU. We’re thinking back to Thursday night when we first dropped off, unsure of what was going to happen and nervous about being away from our people. Now we can’t wait to do this again!