Let’s face it…it’s a lot easier to stick with what we know than to stop, reflect, and reorient ourselves to new understandings. However, this is exactly what we are called to do if we are to face reality and center justice in our lives. In order to heal, we need to reorient ourselves, again and again.
The Rev. Ben Meyers is a resident of Oakland, where he enjoys daily strolls around Lake Merritt and spending time with his 2 1/2 yo grandson. His ministry spans over 28 years: as a parish minister, hospice chaplain, and social justice/community minister for several communities and organizations throughout Northern California. His passion is working with individuals and faith-based communities across the country as a Solar and Clean Energy consultant. His mission is to accelerate the adoption of clean energy as a moral and spiritual imperative. As a proud parent of a transgender child, he is also a vocal ally and avid advocate for LGTBQ+ rights.
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Passcode: 218531
Call-in #: (669) 900-9128
Order of Service
Centering Music — “Amhrán na Leabhar” (The Song of the Books) by T.R. Ó Súillabháin
Chalice Lighting
We gather this hour as people of faith
With joys and sorrows, gifts and needs.
We light our chalice, symbol of our spiritual heritage and beacon of our future hope,
–A sign of our quest for truth and meaning, for equity and compassion–
In recognition of the life, and the love, we nurture together.
Chalice Song — “Be the Change” by Ghandi (text), Marc Kaplan and Colin Britt (music)
1. Be the change you want to see in the world (x3)… and change will come to you.
2. Be the voice you want to hear in the world (x3)…
and change will come to you.
3. Be the light you want to shine in the world (x3)…
and change will come to you.
Time for All Ages — “Cornelius”, by Leo Lionni
Singing Out the Children — “Be the Change”, reprise
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Responsive Reading — #577, “It is Possible to Live in Peace”
Pastoral Prayer — Rev. Ben Meyers
Silence (one minute)
Hymn — #159 “This is My Song”
Offertory — Improvisation
Message — “Banning Books = Banishing Lives”, by Rev. Ben Meyers
Closing Song — #1018 “Come and Go with Me”
Extinguishing the Chalice
We extinguish this chalice, but not the light of truth, the warmth of love, or the fire of commitment. These we carry in our hearts out into the world, until we meet again.
Benediction — Rev. Ben Meyers
View the Sermon on Our Youtube Channel