What do we want to be remembered for? What do we want to pass on to future generations? How can we live our lives in a way that will benefit those who come after us? A
lthough it is hard sometimes to contemplate the challenges our descendants will face, with hope and action borne of love, we just might be able to ease their way.
HYBRID SERVICE: in-person & online.
Online: join HERE
Passcode: 218531
Call-in #: (669) 900-9128
Order of Service
Welcome — “Today we celebrate a dream awakening” by Elizabeth M. Strong
Centering through Music — “Autumn Leaves” by J. Kosma
Chalice Lighting — “Come, Gather Light to Build” by Kiakiali Bordner
Opening Hymn — #1051 “We Are…”
Time for All Ages — “Putting the Car Away”
Singing Out the Children — “Go Lifted Up”
Go lifted up, / Love bless your way, / moonlight, starlight / guide your Journey / into peace / and the brightness of day
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Time of Reflection — “Suspended Between” by Linda Barnes
Silence (one minute)
Musical Response — Improvisation
Offering — “Quiet Now” by D. Zeitlin
Reflection on Honoring the Ancestors — Lenore Hirsch
Musical Interlude — “How Insensitive” by A.C. Jobim
Message — Becoming Good Ancestors
Closing Hymn — #299, “Make Channels for the Streams of Love”
Extinguishing the Chalice
We extinguish this chalice, but not the light of truth, the warmth of love, or the fire of commitment. These we carry in our hearts out into the world, until we meet again