"Who Took My God?” with Rev. Clovice Lewis


15 October, 2023    
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Napa Valley Unitarian Universalists
1626 Salvador Ave, Napa, California, 94558

Event Type

Rev. Clovice will explore the boundaries between science and religion. His talk will examine the role of religion and spirituality from a distinctly modern position. He writes, “Some physicists now say we are co-creators in our own existence. That can be backed up with some pretty esoteric mathematics and increasingly more scientific proof. What could that mean? Well, if true, it means that everything we think about existence, about God, and our place in the universe needs to radically change. In fact, it means we need to change our thinking about the universe and even consider the possibility of an infinite number of universes.”

In addition to being a composer and cellist, avid private pilot since 1987, and inventor, Clovice Lewis has also enjoyed a dual and extensive career as a technologist and serial entrepreneur since 1984. Rev. Lewis’ ministry emphasizes breaking down racial, class, and ethnic barriers, using music to counter oppression, and in preaching the gospel of the madness of human self-extinction.

HYBRID SERVICE: in-person & online.

Online: join HERE
Meeting ID: 965 8475 4060
Passcode: 218531
Call-in #: (669) 900-9128

Order of Service

Welcome — by Sue Ayer
Centering through Music — “The Oneness of Everything” Clovice Lewis (Cello)
Chalice Lighting — “Tapestry of Beliefs” by Rev. Clovice Lewis
Opening Hymn — #23 “Bring Many Names”
Time for All Ages — “The Little Voice Within” by John Jungerman
Singing Out the Children
Go lifted up, / Love bless your way, / moonlight, starlight / guide your Journey / into peace / and the brightness of day
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Time of Reflection — Rev. Clovice Lewis
Silence (one minute)
Musical Response — Improvisation
Offering — “The Swan” by C. Saint-Saëns
Reading — #611 – I Am The Self That Dwells in the Heart
Message — “Who Took My God?” Rev. Clovice Lewis
Closing Hymn — #1028 “The Fire of Commitment”
Extinguishing the Chalice
We extinguish this chalice, but not the light of truth, the warmth of love, or the fire of commitment. These we carry in our hearts out into the world, until we meet again
Benediction — Rev. Clovice Lewis


Watch the Sermon on Our Youtube Channel