I’m Stay Where I Belong! – A message from Rev. Susan Panttaja

Dear Ones,

Over a year ago, I announced plans to enter into the ministerial search process. As a late-comer to ministry, I wanted the opportunity to go through the process of finding that “perfect” congregation for me. Since then, my discernment process has led to the realization that I will find no better match than NVUU. I would love to continue my ministry with you.

At the May 8 Board meeting, the Trustees approved the Search Committee’s recommendation that I continue as your minister!

I am grateful that I have taken this time to discern what my next ministry would look like. It has led me to wholeheartedly embrace this continued ministry with NVUU. I have agreed to accept a two-year contract at half time, with my personal expectation that I will be with you for many years to come.

Board President Iris Craig says, “We are delighted that Reverend Susan has chosen to remain with us, With Reverend Susan’s support we hope to make strides in growing our congregation, eventually increasing our numbers enough that we can bring her back to 3/4 time or more. This is the best outcome for our ministerial search that we could possibly have. We celebrate Reverend Susan and her commitment to NVUU.”

I regret that my search process has required NVUU to deal with considerable uncertainty and anxiety about the future. I hope you are proud, as I am, of the deep work that you all did during this time, to prepare this community for whatever was to come. I recognize that my staying may bring up a range of feelings and questions. The Board of Trustees*, the Committee on Shared Ministry**, and I are committed to creating an atmosphere of trust and openness in which to hold and respond to whatever may come up for you. Feel free share your concerns with any of us.

I am excited at the prospect of serving NVUU into the future, and hope that you are as well. I appreciate the trust you all have placed in me. I look forward to keeping faith with you, as, we deepen and grow together. I am fully committed to our continued relationship. I know it will be fruitful.

Yours in faith,

Rev. Susan

*Iris Craig, Pamela Blatt, Chris Malan, Maggie Ingalls, and Jo Beyeler
** Bonnie Richardson, Parry Murray, Susan Okun, and Anne Jungerman