Explore any of our vibrant groups and activities and consider joining one of the groups or committees listed below. Volunteer your skills, talents, and initiative to make a difference at NVUU. If you don’t see what you are looking for, start something new!

For questions and to get in touch with a group organizer, please email administrator@nvuu.org or sign up for our weekly e-Digest.

Groups and Activities:

  • Children’s RE

    Our Children’s Religious Education program supports our children’s exploration of the many spiritual paths and traditions that have existed in our world, including our UU 8 principles, world religions, teachings from humanists and philosophers, and inspirational civil rights leaders. Our programs encourage youth to explore their own beliefs, understand what they value, challenge injustice, and open their minds and hearts to all.
  • Soul Circle

    Soul Circle is a small group of people who want to deepen their spiritual practices and their relationships with other members. Each month, Soul Circle participants receive a Soul Matters Small Group packet of exercises to be done ahead of the meeting time. During the meeting, members discuss their experiences with the exercises, as they reflect on what is happening in their lives. The group meets in person on the second Sunday of each month at NVUU and rotates leadership.
  • Carquinez Circle

    If you are in the Vallejo / Benicia Area, join the Carquinez Circle. UUs and friends rotate hosting monthly gatherings that consist of personal check-ins, a discussion topic, and light refreshments.
  • First Friday in Fairfield

    First Friday in Fairfield is a monthly gathering that discusses a variety of self-selected topics. We rotate hosting and leading among the participants. We meet in homes in the Fairfield area and do not have a Zoom option.
  • Book Club

    Our Book Club supports a love of reading by sharing a monthly book discussion. In the past year, we read and discussed a wide variety of books, such as ‘The Girls of Atomic City”, “The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times”, “The Time Traveler’s Wife” and our favorite Jane Austin novels, to name just a few. The group meets online every second Thursday of the month at 10 AM. 
  • Women’s Group – Wild Wonderful Women

    The Women’s Group meets this church year to discuss and share experiences from each of the decades of our lives. Facilitation is rotated through the group members. The group meets in person on first Wednesday of every month at NVUU. Women of all ages are welcome!


(in alphabetical order)

  • Building and Grounds

    Building and Grounds Committee cares for and beautifies our property and grounds. If you are a gardener, a handyperson, or have experience with contracts, or love keeping tools organized, we would love to have you on this team.
  • Caring

    Caring Committee works with the minister to provide support to members in need. If you love to have deep, meaningful conversation with one person at a time, have skills in deep listening to others, and are interested in companioning people through times of transition, this team might be for you.
  • Hospitality

    Hospitality Committee makes people feel welcome and cherished, and facilitates community building, by offering delicious refreshments after services and at special events. Team members help set up, clean up, and/or bring snacks and refreshments. If you love providing hospitality, this could be your team.
  • Membership

    Membership Committee provides a path to membership for newcomers and integrates new members fully into the life of the congregation. This team provides greeters for Sunday mornings, welcomes newcomers, follows up with visitors, offers mentorship, and co-ordinates new member activities. If you love to meet new people and invite them into your circles, and/or you love Unitarian Universalism and want to share our history with others, this team is for you..
  • Social Justice

    Social Justice Committee seeks to inspire the congregation to live our values in the wider world and make it a better place. The Social Justice team coordinates informational events, service projects, and public policy actions and is the point team for our involvement in Common Ground, a community organizing group comprised of several diverse faith-based and secular organizations working for justice locally. If you care passionately about making justice in the world we live in, this is your team
  • Stewardship

    Stewardship Committee helps inspire generosity among congregants, as well as steward our resources wisely. If you enjoy organizing fundraising events, or you are a financial wizard, or you want to inspire others to put their money where their values are, you might enjoy being on this team.
  • Worship Team

    The congregation comes to Sunday services seeking meaning, beauty, hope, healing, spiritual nourishment, intellectual stimulation, community, and many other things. Members of the Worship team work with the minister or guest speaker to plan and deliver worship services. If you enjoy public speaking, have a little bit of a hammy streak, have a clear, strong reading voice, and are interested in learning how to craft beautiful and transformative worship services, you would be welcome on this team.

For questions and to get in touch with a Committee Chair, please email administrator@nvuu.org.