Letter from Rev. Bonnie
Dear NVUU Members and Friends,
This summer, I spent many hours in contemplation about my fragile health, my family’s well being, and my future as your minister. I have come to the conclusion that it is time for me to take my leave of you.
This decision is not just about my physical health. Despite some recent ups and downs, I expect to recover; but I find that my priorities have shifted. I long for a simpler, less rushed life, with much less driving and fewer deadlines. I’m not interested in a different ministry at this time; rather, I feel called to spend my time and energy on my own family and loved ones, and out in nature.
This decision is painful, because I care for you all so very much. It breaks my heart to think that I will not be there for your personal joys and sorrows, as well as the congregation’s triumphs. However, since my brief return, I’ve been gratified and inspired by the way many of you stepped up to keep NVUU thriving in my absence.
I know you will be fine, much better than fine, and that ultimately you will find a new minister who will lead you successfully along a path of continuing growth.
Being your minister has been one of the very best things in my life. Serving such dedicated, kind, authentically present Unitarian Universalists has truly been an honor and a privilege. You were there when I needed you. I want to stress that I’m not leaving because of anything you did or didn’t do.
The NVUU Board has already begun to formulate a plan for the transition. On October 19th, UUA Regional Staff will meet with them to strategize. October 22nd will be my last day in the pulpit. I plan to come up the following Sunday, October 29t, for a celebration of our ministry together. My last day with you will be October 31, 2017. You will receive more information about my transition as it becomes available.
With gratitude, grief, and many tears,
Rev. Bonnie Dlott