Minister’s Message

Dear Ones,

It’s Summer!

What are your favorite summertime activities? For me, it’s camping trips, hikes near the coast, escaping the heat of the day with a good book or jigsaw puzzle. It’s taking the time to complete some long-neglected tasks around the house. It’s savoring late twilights and the unique beauty of this area, as I await the turn of the seasons.

This summer, I plan to make time for both restorative practices and useful activity. I am looking forward to camping with my family, doing house projects with my sister, hiking, visiting loved ones, and making a bit of headway through my unread book pile. I also plan to attend the annual conference of the Association for UU Music Ministries. When I return to NVUU on August 7, I hope to have some new songs to sing and new stories to tell.
I hope that you, too, enjoy the unique delights of summer in Northern California. May you find your own balance of rest and activity. May you be safe and healthy. And may you savor the beauty of this time. I look forward to seeing you in August.

In faith,

Rev. Susan